Table of contents :

Claude 3.5 Sonnet: quick access on Swiftask
1. Claude AI Prompts: 10 ideas for front-end web developers
2. Claude AI prompt: 10 requests for back-end developer
3. Claude prompt: 10 instructions for an SEO specialist
4. Prompt for a content manager
5. Prompt for a social media manager
6. Prompt for a community manager
7. Prompt for a growth marketer
8. Prompt for an AI ethics specialist
9. Prompt for a web analyst
10. Prompt for a student

Claude AI prompt: 100 ideas to help you discover Claude 3.5 Sonnet

Claude 3.5 Sonnet, a flagship model of Claude AI, excels in its ability to solve a variety of problems. As an engaged AI user, we recommend adopting this latest model from Anthropic to assist you in your daily life and professional environment. Artificial intelligence is rapidly expanding and making great strides. Make your professional activity a place of enriching interaction with AI.

Claude 3.5 Sonnet: quick access on Swiftask
1. Claude AI Prompts: 10 ideas for front-end web developers
2. Claude AI prompt: 10 requests for back-end developer
3. Claude prompt: 10 instructions for an SEO specialist
4. Prompt for a content manager
5. Prompt for a social media manager
6. Prompt for a community manager
7. Prompt for a growth marketer
8. Prompt for an AI ethics specialist
9. Prompt for a web analyst
10. Prompt for a student

Claude 3.5 Sonnet: quick access on Swiftask

Swiftask, your all-in-one AI assistant, provides access to all versions of Claude AI, including Claude 3.5 Sonnet. With this innovative solution, you can fully leverage the power of artificial intelligence to meet your needs. However, knowing where to start with AI isn't always easy, and crafting an effective prompt can quickly become a challenge.

Aware of this challenge, we have designed an exclusive collection of 100 prompts for you. These carefully crafted templates are here to guide you and familiarize you with using Claude AI, allowing you to make the most of it from the start. Whether you are new to AI or a more experienced user, this resource will help you refine your interactions with the tool and achieve relevant and creative results.

With Swiftask, you no longer have to worry about finding inspiration to formulate commands. Our prompts make it easy by providing a solid foundation to harness the potential of Claude AI. Whether it's generating content, asking complex questions, or optimizing processes, these suggestions will enable you to quickly master the art of prompts while discovering the endless possibilities of this technology.

Don't waste any more time hesitating over your commands. Dive into the world of artificial intelligence with renewed confidence, thanks to Swiftask and its dedicated range of prompts.

1. Claude AI Prompts: 10 ideas for front-end web developers

  • Generate a semantic HTML5 structure template for a responsive homepage, including the main tags and accessibility best practices.
  • Create a JavaScript function to validate a contact form by checking the email, name, and message fields. Include appropriate error messages.
  • Propose a CSS structure using Flexbox to create a three-column layout that adapts to mobile devices.
  • Write a JavaScript script to implement a simple and accessible image carousel, with navigation controls and slide indicators.
  • Generate an example of a fetch API request in JavaScript to retrieve JSON data from a REST API and display the results in the DOM.
  • Create a CSS animation for a submit button that changes appearance on hover and click, using smooth transitions.
  • Write a JavaScript function to implement a client-side pagination system for a list of items, with controls to navigate between pages.
  • Propose a CSS grid structure for a responsive image gallery that adapts to different screen sizes.
  • Create a React component for an accessible dropdown menu, with support for keyboard navigation and appropriate ARIA states.
  • Write a JavaScript script to implement a light/dark theme system, with a toggle button and persistence of the user's choice in local storage.

2. Claude AI prompt: 10 requests for back-end developer

  • Create an SQL database structure for an online order management system, including tables for users, products, orders, and order details. Ensure to include primary keys, foreign keys, and appropriate indexes.
  • Write a Python function to implement server-side pagination for a REST API, taking into account limit and offset parameters.
  • Propose a JWT (JSON Web Token) authentication scheme to secure a REST API, including token generation, verification, and refresh.
  • Create a Java class to implement a database connection pool, with methods to acquire and release connections, as well as manage the maximum number of connections.
  • Write a shell script to automate the deployment of a Node.js application on a Linux server, including updating the code, installing dependencies, and restarting the service.
  • Implement a password hashing and salting function in PHP, using current security best practices.
  • Create an Express.js middleware for error handling, capable of processing different types of errors and returning appropriate JSON responses with the correct HTTP status codes.
  • Write a MongoDB query to aggregate sales data, grouped by month and product category, including the calculation of total sales and the number of transactions.
  • Implement a Redis caching system to store frequently requested results from an API, with a data expiration and refresh strategy.
  • Create a worker in Go to process background tasks from a RabbitMQ queue, including error handling and retry attempts.

3. Claude prompt: 10 instructions for an SEO specialist

  • Analyze this list of keywords and propose a content silo structure for a natural beauty products e-commerce site, including main pages and subcategories.
  • Generate an optimized meta description template for a product page, including variables for the product name, its main benefits, and a call to action, all within the 155-160 character limit.
  • Create a list of 20 catchy title ideas for blog articles on the theme of 'personal finance,' using effective copywriting techniques and incorporating relevant keywords.
  • Propose a markup structure in JSON-LD for a recipe page, including all relevant elements such as ingredients, steps, preparation time, and nutritional values.
  • Analyze this URL and suggest improvements to make it more search engine and user-friendly, taking into account current SEO best practices.
  • Create an internal linking plan for a travel blog by identifying pillar pages and suggesting relevant links between related articles to improve the site's structure.
  • Generate a list of 10 frequently asked questions (FAQ) on the theme of home insurance, formulated to target natural language queries and optimize the chances of appearing in Google's rich snippets.
  • Propose an E-A-T (Expertise, Authority, Trustworthiness) content creation strategy for a medical website, including suggestions to demonstrate the authors' and site's credibility.
  • Analyze these Search Console data and identify the top 5 ranking improvement opportunities, suggesting concrete actions for each opportunity.
  • Create a monthly SEO report template for a client, including key KPIs, organic traffic trends, changes in positioning for target keywords, and action recommendations for the following month.

4. Prompt for a content manager

  • Create an editorial calendar for the next 3 months for a sustainable fashion brand, including content ideas for the blog, social media, and newsletters, aligned with seasonal marketing goals.
  • Generate a list of 15 engaging blog post ideas on the theme of productivity at work, tailored to our audience of young professionals, including suggestions for catchy titles.
  • Propose a content strategy for the launch of a new tech product, detailing the types of content to create for each stage of the marketing funnel (TOFU, MOFU, BOFU).
  • Create a creative brief for a series of short videos intended for Instagram Reels, aimed at showcasing the key features of our fitness app, in 30 seconds or less per video.
  • Develop a content style guide for our brand, including tone of voice, grammatical guidelines, emoji usage, and examples of dos and don'ts to maintain consistency across all platforms.
  • Propose a repurposing strategy to transform a one-hour webinar on digital marketing trends into multiple content formats (blog posts, infographics, social media posts, podcasts, etc.).
  • Create a weekly newsletter template that highlights our recent content, promotional offers, and customer testimonials, while encouraging engagement and conversions.
  • Develop a content plan for an influencer marketing campaign, including guidelines for influencers, types of content to create, and how to measure the campaign's success.
  • Propose a content curation strategy for our social media, identifying reliable sources in our industry and suggesting how to add value to shared content with our own perspective.
  • Create a guide for optimizing existing content, including a checklist for content auditing, tips for updating outdated information, and strategies for improving the SEO of old but high-performing articles.

5. Prompt for a social media manager

  • Create a 2-week social media content calendar for a natural cosmetics brand, including post ideas for Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok, with suggestions for relevant hashtags and optimal posting times.
  • Generate 5 engaging campaign ideas for an Instagram contest aimed at increasing follower engagement and attracting new subscribers, detailing the contest mechanics and potential prizes.
  • Propose a content strategy for launching a series of Instagram stories featuring behind-the-scenes of our tech company, including ideas to humanize the brand and showcase our company culture.
  • Create a guide for responding to negative comments on social media, including response templates for different scenarios (product complaints, customer service issues, etc.) while maintaining a tone consistent with the brand's voice.
  • Develop a short video content strategy for TikTok and Instagram Reels, targeting an audience of 18-25-year-olds, with 10 ideas for trendy and engaging videos related to our streetwear clothing brand.
  • Propose an action plan to increase engagement on our company LinkedIn page, including types of content to share, strategies to encourage employees to become brand ambassadors, and ideas to stimulate conversations in the comments.
  • Create a list of 20 engaging questions for Instagram and Twitter polls related to our green technology industry, to encourage interaction with our audience and gather valuable insights.
  • Develop a live streaming strategy for Facebook and Instagram, including ideas for live events (Q&A, product demonstrations, expert interviews), as well as tips for promoting these lives before, during, and after the event.
  • Propose a plan to optimize our presence on Pinterest, including ideas for thematic boards, strategies for creating rich pins, and tips for increasing traffic to our e-commerce site from the platform.
  • Create a guide for the effective use of hashtags on different platforms (Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn), including strategies for researching relevant hashtags, creating memorable brand hashtags, and analyzing their performance.

6. Prompt for a community manager

  • Create a moderation guide for our online community, including clear rules, examples of acceptable and unacceptable behaviors, and procedures for handling violations consistently and fairly.
  • Develop an engagement strategy for our 10,000-member Facebook group, with ideas for weekly posts, recurring discussion themes, and tactics to encourage members to share their own content.
  • Propose an action plan for managing a reputation crisis on social media, including response templates, a decision tree for escalating issues, and strategies to restore community trust.
  • Create a virtual events calendar for our community over 3 months, including webinars, AMA (Ask Me Anything) sessions, community challenges, and virtual meetups, with ideas for promoting each event.
  • Develop a strategy to identify and engage influential members of our community, including selection criteria, ambassador program ideas, and ways to recognize and reward their contributions.
  • Propose a series of weekly discussion topics for our online forum dedicated to personal development, aimed at stimulating deep conversations and encouraging members to share experiences.
  • Create a guide for launching and facilitating productive discussions on LinkedIn, including techniques for asking open-ended questions, encouraging diverse viewpoints, and maintaining a professional and respectful tone.
  • Develop a strategy for onboarding new members into our Discord community, including an automated welcome process, useful resources to share, and ideas to encourage introductions and initial interactions.
  • Propose a plan to organize a content creation contest within our Instagram community, including contest rules, judging criteria, prizes, and strategies to maximize participation and engagement.
  • Create a gamification system for our online community, with badges, levels, and rewards based on member engagement and positive contributions, along with ideas to promote this system.

7. Prompt for a growth marketer

  • Develop a multichannel user acquisition strategy for our fitness mobile app, detailing the channels to prioritize, key messages for each channel, and KPIs to track for measuring success.
  • Create a conversion funnel optimization plan for our e-commerce site, identifying potential friction points and proposing specific A/B tests for each stage of the customer journey.
  • Propose a growth hacking strategy to rapidly increase our monthly active user base by 20% in 3 months, including innovative and cost-effective tactics.
  • Develop a 6-month customer retention plan for our B2B SaaS service, detailing actions to implement at each stage of the customer lifecycle to reduce churn and increase customer lifetime value.
  • Create a viral marketing strategy for the launch of our new product feature, including built-in sharing mechanisms, referral incentives, and ideas for easily shareable content.
  • Propose an experimentation plan to optimize our pricing strategy, including different pricing models to test, methods for segmenting our audience, and key metrics to monitor during testing.
  • Develop a growth-focused content marketing strategy, identifying the types of content most likely to generate qualified leads, and proposing a distribution and amplification plan to maximize reach.
  • Create a growth marketing dashboard including key KPIs to track daily, weekly, and monthly, with suggestions for alert thresholds and corrective actions for each metric.
  • Propose a user onboarding strategy to improve activation and early engagement of our new customers, detailing key steps, messages to communicate, and actions to encourage in the first 30 days.
  • Develop a strategic partnership plan to accelerate our growth, identifying 5 types of potential partners, the mutual benefits of each partnership, and ideas for joint campaigns for each partnership type.

8. Prompt for an AI ethics specialist

  • Develop an ethical evaluation framework for an AI recruitment system, identifying key risks of bias and discrimination, and proposing methods to mitigate them throughout the system's lifecycle.
  • Create a best practices guide for the ethical use of personal data in the development of recommendation algorithms, considering data protection regulations (such as GDPR) and privacy principles.
  • Propose a methodology for auditing the fairness and transparency of an AI system used in financial decision-making (e.g., loan approvals), including specific metrics to measure and acceptability thresholds.
  • Develop an AI ethics training plan for a team of developers, covering key concepts, relevant case studies, and practical exercises to integrate ethical considerations into their daily work.
  • Create an ethical checklist for designing and developing conversational AI systems (chatbots, voice assistants), focusing on transparency, privacy respect, and prevention of manipulation.
  • Propose a framework to evaluate the ethical implications of using AI in public surveillance systems, considering human rights, privacy, and the balance between security and individual freedoms.
  • Develop a strategy to integrate principles of explainability and interpretability into complex machine learning models used for medical decision-making, ensuring understanding and trust from practitioners and patients.
  • Create a guide for the ethical management of biases in computer vision systems, covering data set diversity, bias detection and mitigation techniques, and cultural considerations to account for.
  • Propose a methodology for assessing the long-term societal impact of autonomous AI systems (e.g., autonomous vehicles), considering ethical, economic, and environmental aspects.
  • Develop an ethical framework for the use of AI in education, addressing issues of personalized learning, student data protection, and equity in access to AI-assisted educational resources.

9. Prompt for a web analyst

  • Analyze this screenshot of our Google Analytics dashboard and identify the 3 key metrics showing the most significant variation compared to the previous month. Propose hypotheses to explain these changes.
  • Examine this PDF report of our AdWords campaign from the last quarter. Summarize the main trends in terms of CPC, conversion rate, and ROI. Suggest 3 optimizations based on these data.
  • Analyze this heat map of our homepage and identify areas of high and low interaction. Propose 3 design or content changes to improve user engagement.
  • Examine these screenshots of our e-commerce conversion funnel. Identify the main friction point and suggest 2 A/B tests to improve the overall conversion rate.
  • Analyze this PDF report on user behavior of our mobile app. Summarize the key findings regarding user retention and propose 3 strategies to improve long-term engagement.
  • Examine this data visualization of our acquisition channels. Identify the 2 most effective traffic sources in terms of visitor quality (bounce rate, session duration, conversions) and suggest how to capitalize on these channels.
  • Analyze this PDF segmentation report of our audience. Identify the most valuable segment and propose a personalized strategy to increase the customer lifetime value of this group.
  • Examine these screenshots of our website speed reports on mobile and desktop. Identify the main improvement opportunities and their potential impact on conversions, based on industry benchmarks.
  • Analyze this comparative PDF table of our performance against our main competitors (market share, traffic, social media engagement). Identify our strengths and weaknesses, and propose 3 priority actions to improve our position.
  • Examine this series of charts showing the evolution of our main KPIs over the last 12 months. Identify seasonal trends, anomalies, and propose an action plan to leverage these insights in our marketing strategy for the upcoming year.

10. Prompt for a student

  • Analyze this image of my handwritten history class notes and create a structured summary of the key points, organizing the information logically and chronologically.
  • Examine this PDF of the scientific article I need to read for my biology class. Summarize the main findings, the methodology used, and propose 3 critical questions I could ask during the class discussion.
  • Analyze this screenshot of my university schedule and suggest an optimal study plan, taking into account class periods, assignment deadlines, and incorporating regular breaks.
  • Examine this PDF containing the guidelines for my end-of-semester marketing project. Identify the key evaluation criteria and propose a detailed structure for my final report.
  • Analyze this image of the table of contents from my mathematics textbook. Create a progressive study plan to master all the concepts before the final exam, estimating the time needed for each chapter.
  • Examine this PDF of my reading notes for my literature class. Identify recurring themes, main characters and their developments, and propose 3 possible angles of analysis for my essay.
  • Analyze this screenshot of my midterm results. Identify the subjects where I need the most improvement and suggest specific study strategies for each of them.
  • Examine this PDF containing the instructions for my oral presentation in political science. Propose an effective presentation structure, key points to address, and tips to make my presentation more engaging.
  • Analyze this image of the mind map I created to review my psychology course. Identify the concepts that need further development and suggest additional resources to deepen my understanding.
  • Examine this PDF of the abstract and introduction of my thesis. Evaluate the clarity of my research problem and objectives, and propose improvements to strengthen the impact of my introduction.



Osni is a professional content writer


September 30, 2024

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